Reason No. 4 ... blame the fruit, not the tree
so, didn't everyone know that war ... using bombs and guns and things like that would murder innocent people, thereby violating one of the key principles of our nation. you remember the one, that '... all men have been endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are the right to life ...."
anyway ... something i thought about when i read this Yahoo! Headline
U.S. troops to get ethics training in Iraq "BAGHDAD, Iraq - The top U.S. general in Iraq on Thursday ordered American commanders to conduct core values training on moral and ethical standards on the battlefield."
so, while the military is calling for 'core values training on moral and ethical standards on the battlefield', shouldn't the commander-in-chief be trained in the core values of america? if that could happen, perhaps those under his command would be able to follow his leadership and values and morals and the murder of innocent people would have never happened.
and then i read this, and i thought about how many lies the president has already admitted, the scandal in the vice president's office, this report didn't surprise me at all.
Report: False testimony in Haditha probe "WASHINGTON - President Bush promised on Wednesday that any Marines involved in the alleged murders of Iraqi civilians will be punished. A senior officer said the case could undermine Iraqis' support for the presence of American troops."
honestly, is it surprising that the military under the command of Mr. Bush is producing 'false testimony'? and, why should they be punished if he, in authorizing the 'military operation' because we have never issued a declaration of war, be held accountable alone. and shouldn't the person who ordered the countless bombings that killed thousands of innocent iraqis be held accountable too?
with freedom comes the underlying imperative of personal responsibility. until our leaders take responsibility for what is going on, they will continue to harbor deception and destruction. hair splitting of what is 'morally justified murder' as the truth is revealed, is not strong leadership its shucking and jiving -- looking for others to take responsibility for the decisions and judgments made by our president, the self-proclaimed, 'decider.'
FOR SALE: One post-13th Amendment citizenship in the corporation of the United States of America.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
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