i am an idealist. Pure and simple. I am #1genUS, and with respect to the politics of this land pretty much use #KeepItSimpleSmartie and #CommonLaw, the #DeclarationOfIndependence and #Constitution to inform my thoughts and go from there. I am reasonable and will listen to anything except lies and hate-based realities, and those I walk away from as being Stupid.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Fw: Docket ID No. NRC–2012–0246

On Friday, December 20, 2013 9:34 AM, Nikohl Vandel <nikohlvandel@yahoo.com> wrote:

Good morning,
I've shared several thoughts, mostly questions, because the truth is, as I am sure you are well aware of, my voice means very little in the construct of a rule on nuclear waste management.

I'm just an average Stakeholder.  As mom, private citizen, an enthusiast in all things nuclear and its connection to our exploration in space, I merely have an interest in healthy life on earth to make all the but I really do not know anything that you do not already know and I am sure you have your own well-informed perception on the issue of nuclear waste management and, as is the subject of this dialogue, confidence in the ability to manage the growth, expansion and reclamation of nuclear products.


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