i am an idealist. Pure and simple. I am #1genUS, and with respect to the politics of this land pretty much use #KeepItSimpleSmartie and #CommonLaw, the #DeclarationOfIndependence and #Constitution to inform my thoughts and go from there. I am reasonable and will listen to anything except lies and hate-based realities, and those I walk away from as being Stupid.

Monday, December 14, 2015

It Doesn't Matter

You really do not need to do anything.

I learned that when the government put me in jail. I REALLY have no obligation to my community to do anything. That I chose to do things still proves that I don't understand very well how anything here works.

I decided that I should continue to keep trying until my daughter graduates high school, then I'll really quit trying to help anyone do anything -- except global zero, I'll still help them.

Being American these days is a trip I do not even want to understand because it is so violent. I do not want to be a part of this violent nation at all. I guess that's my basic way of seeing our times.


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