i am an idealist. Pure and simple. I am #1genUS, and with respect to the politics of this land pretty much use #KeepItSimpleSmartie and #CommonLaw, the #DeclarationOfIndependence and #Constitution to inform my thoughts and go from there. I am reasonable and will listen to anything except lies and hate-based realities, and those I walk away from as being Stupid.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Occupy City Hall

Are you engaged in the public dialog on the issues that matter to you most?  Everyone should participate, especially if they still want to consider themselves one of the People like they talk about in that Constitution we love to think we honor in ourselves and in our nation.

The dualing or dueling forms of government are going after one another in the streets of Los Angeles as I type these words.  More arrests here as we peaceably come together ... what?  to get corralled by the police like we are horses or something?!  Seriously, we know the rules, you MAY do THAT, but you have to give us an opportunity to disburse once we make a choice whether or not we want to comply with your dispersal order, right?!    (#KettleSitDowns are the safest non-violent means necessary to achieve safe communication until access to a safe, unintimidating and anonymity protected exit MUST be, just as a matter of common sense and law, PROTECTED FREE SPEECH! (in EITHER form of government at play in the United States! DUH!).)

To get this dialog going, I suggest those interested to Occupy City Hall.  I've been using this concept for years, yet now that this has become a near full time job to get the problems voiced and into the mainstream dialog that is needed to have a large enough change to not warrant the absolute collapse of our reality back into the dark ages, and have found the MANY VOICES, whether I agree with them or not, are often the most wonderful drama or comedy one can watch on television any given night!

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