i am an idealist. Pure and simple. I am #1genUS, and with respect to the politics of this land pretty much use #KeepItSimpleSmartie and #CommonLaw, the #DeclarationOfIndependence and #Constitution to inform my thoughts and go from there. I am reasonable and will listen to anything except lies and hate-based realities, and those I walk away from as being Stupid.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Remembering the Declaration of Independence

"Bush ignores laws he inks, vexing Congress"

... when i read the article on the YAHOO! Newsline, i was reminded of these ....

these were some reasons the founding fathers of our nation penned when they DECLARED THEIR INDEPENDENCE ... these were grievances against the then king of England, King George, which i adapted to the present day administration of the 'United States of America' ...

He has violated the Constitutional Laws of this Nation, those most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden CONGRESS to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people and seeks to preclude classes of People from equal rights under the Laws, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He uses all branches of the Federal Government for his own ends and to for the benefit of all People without prejudice, for the sole purpose of fatiguing the People and Congress into compliance with his measures.

He has issued more Executive Orders completely bypassing the House of Representatives and the Senate, never having to justify his invasions on the rights of the People.

He has eliminated the need for Congress and is acting without their consent on major issues; the States remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

* * *

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:


we can completely dismantle this facade of a government known as the "United States of America" and reinstate the "united states of America." get educated, be empowered, and change your perception that this is your government that YOU, as the People of the "united states of America" control, and we CAN have better government that we choose.

IT IS REVOLUTION TIME ... revolution of the mind is the most important revolution ... start there and then we can go from there.

... and just in case you missed this one .... Wars force Army Equipment Costs to Triple

the last line of the article: "War-related costs since 2001 are approaching half a trillion dollars."

are you the steward of your money? resist the government, DO NOT PAY YOUR TAXES TO PAY FOR THIS WAR. There is a long history of protesting the government by withholding the money they take in income taxes to pay for a government that is no longer serving the people of this nation. PUT YOUR MONEY where you MOUTH is ... even if its a symbolic $1 or $10, withhold it, give it to a homeless person, and WRITE them and tell them WHY you are withholding your money from this government.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

Saturday, June 24, 2006

no war • no shame • i am a proud american

that was the slogan on my first anti-war poster. i lived in alhambra, california when 9/11 happened and we commenced the war in afghanistan and resumed the "theater" of war in iraq.

while living in alhambra, i met a neighbor, he was 72, his name was "Mr. Ray". if you saw mr. ray, you would have sworn he was a homeless bum, pushing his shopping cart of cans, hunched over from oesteroperosis, shufflin his feet, not able to pick them up completely, drool hanging from the corner of his mouth which housed only his tongue. the first time i met him, he was down the block, sitting on his chair on the sidewalk, socks and shoes off, and he was putting some cream on his feet. they were purple to black in color. later that week, i ended up bringing him to the VA to have his feet checked on ... diabetic, unless he changed, he was going to lose them. the only thing that made mr. ray take his insulin was mrs. ray (his wife, violet). if he could not walk, he would have to stay home with her ... he took his insulin.

what happened to him, i wondered, to make him this way. i eventually met his brother, a couple of years older than mr. ray ... perfectly normal, healthy ... a regular guy. i asked him what happened. "he was never the same since the war." 'the war' was the korean war in their case. mr. ray enlisted along with all of his brothers and was used by the navy on the docks down in long beach. he worked on the loading docks loading weapons, rations, supplies and the like onto the ships to carry off to the war. that didn't sound too bad to me, and no one, especially his family, could understand why the war affected him so much.

if the war didn't happen and mr. ray at the age of 18 did not enlist, he would have probably have been a poet, an artist, a mathematician (what he could figure out in numbers in his head was amazing). i once asked him about the war, and what happened, he would just sob uncontrollably. its was probably two years after i met mr. ray that he had an accident and ended up at the VA hospital in west los angeles. i would go and visit and he was doing great ... recuperating quite well. i had not seen mr. ray look as good as he did while he was there. of course, they were taking care of him, making sure he was taking all of his medications (which i learned included many 'psychological' drugs) ... his chronic depression gone, we were able to sit in the park surrounding the hospital and talk about the war.

he told me about one day, he was loading stuff like always and a box of grenades had dropped, broken open and they were working to clean it up, repack it and load it up to go. not that big of a deal except that was the first time he had ever held a grenade, a mini-bomb he called it. so long as they were in boxes and things, the word on the outside of the box meant little to him. now that he held "the little bomb," he had a huge realization what he was doing. he knew that the only purpose for that 'little bomb" was to kill someone. he didn't even know why they were fighting the war. he said that every box he now loaded was a box intended for the sole purpose of killing another person.

mr. ray was the youngest in his family ... he had no reason to kill anyone. he wasn't a fighter, as his brother told me, he was the only one in the family (with 4 boys) that never got into 'fistocuffs' or trouble.

one day several months after his release from the hospital and mr. ray had stopped taking his medications, as he tended to do because he did not like how they made him feel, i found him, once again, sitting on his chair on the sidewalk about a block from his house sobbing. incoherent, the only words he would repeat was "i'm so ashamed, i didn't have to do it, elaine. i didn't have to do it. i am so ashamed. i killed so many people."

perhaps an unrealistic view from a man who carried so much shame for many years for what he saw as his part in the war, death and destruction in korea ... but he carried it nonetheless. one man, in the last "good" war, carrying the shame of killing people he never knew for reasons he didn't even know why.

no war • no shame • i am a proud american ... because if he wasn't taken so young in his life to become a part of our nation's war, mr. ray would have had a perfectly normal life. and he stayed right here in his home town of long beach, california.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Reason No. 4 ... blame the fruit, not the tree

so, didn't everyone know that war ... using bombs and guns and things like that would murder innocent people, thereby violating one of the key principles of our nation. you remember the one, that '... all men have been endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are the right to life ...."

anyway ... something i thought about when i read this Yahoo! Headline

U.S. troops to get ethics training in Iraq "BAGHDAD, Iraq - The top U.S. general in Iraq on Thursday ordered American commanders to conduct core values training on moral and ethical standards on the battlefield."

so, while the military is calling for 'core values training on moral and ethical standards on the battlefield', shouldn't the commander-in-chief be trained in the core values of america? if that could happen, perhaps those under his command would be able to follow his leadership and values and morals and the murder of innocent people would have never happened.

and then i read this, and i thought about how many lies the president has already admitted, the scandal in the vice president's office, this report didn't surprise me at all.

Report: False testimony in Haditha probe "WASHINGTON - President Bush promised on Wednesday that any Marines involved in the alleged murders of Iraqi civilians will be punished. A senior officer said the case could undermine Iraqis' support for the presence of American troops."

honestly, is it surprising that the military under the command of Mr. Bush is producing 'false testimony'? and, why should they be punished if he, in authorizing the 'military operation' because we have never issued a declaration of war, be held accountable alone. and shouldn't the person who ordered the countless bombings that killed thousands of innocent iraqis be held accountable too?

with freedom comes the underlying imperative of personal responsibility. until our leaders take responsibility for what is going on, they will continue to harbor deception and destruction. hair splitting of what is 'morally justified murder' as the truth is revealed, is not strong leadership its shucking and jiving -- looking for others to take responsibility for the decisions and judgments made by our president, the self-proclaimed, 'decider.'

FOR SALE: One post-13th Amendment citizenship in the corporation of the United States of America.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'