i am an idealist. Pure and simple. I am #1genUS, and with respect to the politics of this land pretty much use #KeepItSimpleSmartie and #CommonLaw, the #DeclarationOfIndependence and #Constitution to inform my thoughts and go from there. I am reasonable and will listen to anything except lies and hate-based realities, and those I walk away from as being Stupid.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Clash of Paradigms Googe Wallet Fail

Re: [0-8029000006481] Your Google Support inquiry AKA Google Wallet Fail

Hi Salim,

I would really appreciate it if "My Google Wallet Team" would appoint ONE (1) PERSON (preferably a person from Google Wallet, Corp. proper and not some subcontractor or partner or affiliate) to respond and communicate with me so that we don't have to go over this over and over and over and over and over again.  Please stop answering me with the same answer because it is not resolving the problem because, NO, unfortunately, you did not summarize the problem correctly.  Until I can establish that I can indeed trust Google Wallet with money:

1.  I want my google wallet account to be turned off like i already did.
2.  I want the money in my google wallet account to be IMMEDIATELY returned to whomever sent me the money.  Read my previous emails on security concerns.
3.  I want someone to send to me immediately, the documentation upon which Google Wallet has claimed that the  City of Los Angeles made a fraudulent charge on my account so I can make the appropriate filings with the FTC.

Thank you.
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape."

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 2:15 PM, Google Support Team <wallet-support@google.com> wrote:

Hi, Elaine.

Thanks for your response.
Let me summarized if I understand your request.
First, is you want us to reinstate your Google Wallet card? Currently, we don't have a way to reinstate a canceled Google Wallet card. The only way that you can have another Google wallet card is to request for a new wallet card. We know the reason why your old wallet card was canceled its due to the dispute the you file for unauthorized charges. our team is doing this to protect you from future unauthorized charges in your account.
Second, is you want me to send all the money in your wallet balance to the sender? We are not also allowed to get into your account and send those money to whoever sender is. You're the only one who can do that and I'm really sorry that you have to go through a lot of inconvenience.
I just like to suggest some possible resolution on how you can get your money, you can have these wallet balance transferred to your bank account, however, you need to associate a bank account in your Google Wallet for you to do the process. Once your bank account is linked to your Google Wallet account you can now transfer your Wallet balance to it. If these suggestion is not acceptable, another way is you can send the money to a family member who has Google Wallet account, where in they can withdraw the money and give it to you instead. Those are the suggestions that I can offer.
Once again, my sincere apologies all of these inconvenience.
If you have any more questions, please reply to this email. I'm happy to help!
The Google Wallet Team

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peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'


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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Google Wallet: One Step Forward Three Steps Back

Continuing on with my Cha-Cha-Cha with Google Wallet, still not sure if I'm actually speaking to a Google employee or just some "Customer Service" bot or representative from Bancorp proper.

Re: [0-8029000006481] Your Google Support inquiry

=)  Hi Belshazzar!

Well, see, wow.  I should start using my "Nikohl Vandel" name to manage my actual life too, maybe.

Thank you for what -- reactivating my account before we resolved the issues?!  REALLY?!

Please just keep the account cancelled until Google Wallet can resolve my fundamental trust issues.  Please immediately return the money like I requested, I do not have safe secure access my Google Wallet from a desktop computer and I will not do it from my mobile and, to be honest, right now, I just want someone to confirm that they have returned the money that was put in my wallet to the person who sent it.  If Google Wallet cannot do that, well, why should I ever call or email customer support -- you do see my real fundamental problem with Google Wallet and their lack of ability to actually be a wallet in operation for a regular housewife and mother.

Google Wallet insists that they cannot activate the card that is in my actual wallet, yet it can, as the very first member of "My Google Wallet Team" told me on the phone that, "yes, it can be, but they won't."  I do not appreciate Google's wasteful mindset, and the actual waste that this generates on a personal level and on a global scale, I hope you understand, again, why I cannot trust my money to a company that is so wasteful with resources to manage my money with me.  We are living in unsustainable times and if I am not part of the solution, I am part of the problem and if Google is not sensitive to these kinds of systemic issues, they are unsustainable and are creating a world that endangers the future of all our children.  I have removed myself from part of the problem as much as possible, eliminating banks was a huge step I took over 10-15 years ago, now.

As for the dispute specialists and rereading my emails -- the dispute specialist said nothing as to what happened.  no one clarified anything.  THEY just cancelled my account.  At this point, I am considering a complaint with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) because if Google Wallet is being so flippant in their services and investigations on disputes that they are telling me that the City of Los Angeles posted a fraudulent charge and cancelled my card because "my security" was breached by the City of Los Angeles -- that's a personal concern I do now have.  That's a bigger issue than just a late posting of a $3.00 parking meter charge.  I mean, as a citizen I need to know what the City of Los Angeles is doing and why they are able/trying to do fraudulent parking meter charges on credit cards.  I know they are desperate for money at the City, yet, if this is how they are handling it, I want the FTC to investigate too.

Next, layer on top of that concern, the fact that you, Belshazzar, who are working at resolving this problem, cannot communicate with another part of "My Google Wallet Team" is just incompetent and makes me feel like any security you think you are protecting has nothing to do with me at all or security for that matter.  Hence, you are not "My Google Wallet Team" you are just some employee trolling customer service issues repeating what has already been said to me in yet another way, because you get paid to do it.

Conclusion.  If you can actually do what I want done with MY Google Wallet account, I would appreciate it.

And, no, you do not understand me at all and your descriptions of how you may feel in the position you think I am in are not accurate as to my actual feelings, please do not ever think you or anyone at Google Wallet are able to do that for me ever again. 

SOOO, maybe, I'll get a response from Archangel Michael next telling me that, "yeah, elaine, we fixed the stupid as best we can for now, the dispute specialist really didn't do their job right -- no, the City of Los Angeles did not make fraudulent charges to your account, we need to pay them their $3.00 post-dated charge that was finally coming through, and wow, we fuq'd up.  God still says we can't turn back on your old card, so we've issued you a card in the name of "Nikohl Vandel" while we fix on correcting the stupid within the system."  It really is ok to be smarter, and to change policies to be ACTUALLY REALLY MORE SECURE for all the parties and not just protecting the Banksters.


peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 8:25 AM, Google Support Team <wallet-support@google.com> wrote:

Hi, Elaine.
Thanks for your patience.

I understand that you have several issues with regard to your Google Wallet account. I'll try my best to address them all for you.

First, we are unable to make any transfer of funds in your behalf using your Google Wallet account, I've reactivated your Google Wallet account and kindly send the funds  back to it's respective sender. (please let me know If you decide to suspend your Wallet account again and I can do it for you)

Moreover, I see that your Wallet card has already been cancelled, and a cancelled Wallet card can no longer be reactivated. I regret the inconvenience. However, you can simply request for a new Wallet card either at wallet.google.com or in your Google Wallet app and Google will ship your card within 10 business days. I know that this option was offered to you so many times during your conversation with our supervisors, I'm really sorry but this is the only option I have available for you.

Now, regarding your concern about why your card was cancelled, as you have been previously informed it has something to do with the dispute you've filed. I'm not sure if you've disputed the "City of Los Angeles parking charge" since it can only be accessed by our dispute team. The best way to find out what went wrong with the dispute is to reply to the email they've sent you. To find that email, please look in your inbox for a message sent on March 13th 2015 with "Your Google Support inquiry" in the subject line. If you can't see that message in your inbox, please also check your spam folder, just in case.
As part of the Google Wallet Team, I'm unable to get any information with the status of your dispute but our Dispute specialist can, for the fastest and best resolution of your issue, you may reply to that email that the specialist sent you.
I understand how aggravating this can be putting myself into your situation knowing that you Wallet card has been cancelled. I know that you've been communicating with us with regard to your issue and It has been a fruitless endeavor knowing that your existing Google Wallet card can no longer be reactivated. Elaine, please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience this has caused you.

As part of our continued customer service, we want to make sure that everything has been addressed. I'd be happy to give you a call to further discuss the resolution of your issue. Feel free to reply to this email with your phone number and preferred time.

Kind regards,

The Google Wallet Team

Need assistance now? We're available by phone 24/7.
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© Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043, USA
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peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

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Google Wallet Banksters Follow-Up

Re: [0-8029000006481] Your Google Support inquiry
Hi Prince,
Thank you for reading and comprehending my emails and for disabling my account and I trust that the funds have been returned to whomever sent them to the account (probably Chris Clermont).  And YES! I would LOVE to reactivate reactivate my Google Wallet account!!!  Just reactivate the card, that is perfectly fine, still in my ACTUAL wallet.  I would also like explained to me what happened with the City of Los Angeles parking charge on my account, and, right now, that lack of communication is perhaps what disturbs me the most.  If I can have those two issues resolved, I would LOVE to have my Google Wallet back and operational again as a currency product.  Cheers.  
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 10:41 AM, Google Support Team <wallet-support@google.com> wrote:

Hello there, Elaine.

Thank you for reaching out to the Google Wallet team about the disabling of your wallet account. I saw that you have an ongoing case with our supervisors. I wasn't able to work on it further for some restrictions, but I have re-coordinated it for a faster response.

I really respect your decision. So for now, I've disabled your Google Wallet as you have requested. Your purchasing powers under your businessvoodoo@gmail.com account will not function until you requested for your account to be re enabled.

If you decide that you'd like to reactivate your disabled Google Wallet in the future, please just contact my team.
Hope to hear from you again,
The Google Wallet Team

Did we resolve your issue?
Yes No 
Need assistance now? We're available by phone 24/7.
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© Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043, USA
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peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

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Monday, March 09, 2015

Google Wallet Banksters

So, this is how banksters work.

The customer is NOT right.  Do not ever think that.  That is NEVER true -- ever.

In truth, a customer may always BE right, because they can choose to NOT DO BUSINESS WITH BANKSTERS!  which is what I did.  not do business with banks.  for years now.  Google Wallet was supposed to be different, it isn't.  Although, I honestly don't think that its a "Google" problem per se, its likely more Bankcorp, Google's partner's policies that are at odds with the product Google touts.  Yet problems arise when you don't pick good partners.  Unfortunately, for Google, that where the fail likely is, yet, to be honest, it doesn't matter, because if the product isn't what i thought it was supposed to be, its not a product I bother using anymore -- banks.

Mostly, I'm told in about seven different ways what I am saying makes no sense to not just do things their way, and that makes no sense because they simply do not pay attention to the details.  That is what it seems like anyway, if its something different, please someone explain it to me like I'm in 3rd grade.

Following after this blog is a series of email dialogues I'm having with "My" "Google Wallet Team."

So far, "My" "Google Wallet Team" has done the following:

1.  Allowed Carl's Jr. to empty my wallet through duplicative charges that zeroed out my account.  I think it took them a week to fix all that as they couldn't figure out why it happened, couldn't return the amount of extra money Carl took because ??? they never really answered that question, and eventually, I just counted the whole thing as Strike One and went back to the playing the game, and trusted that however they finally fixed it, everyone was all good.

2.  Lost my wallet.  I guess that's the best analogy that I can think of.  My Google Wallet, despite being in my purse, was cancelled because I questioned something on my app that came through that didn't make sense to me.  So, I asked them for clarification, and they lost my wallet.  Oh, sure, they know where it is, yet I can only get it back if I ask for a new one.  And, this is where we are.  Strike Two.

3.  Won't give me back my old wallet.  The absolute waste of time, energy and resources over this $3.00 (!!!) charge is too much for a reasonable mind to handle.

Google Wallet wants me to request a new wallet because they cancelled my wallet.  I have two problems with their solution with respect to MY MONEY and how they are proposing to handle the problem.

First, I think that my Google Wallet Team may have perpetrated fraud to the City of Los Angeles because I flagged a charge, even though I initially stated that I felt it may just be a delayed posting of a past charge, I still do not have a clear answer from them on the issue.  Yet, I honestly do not believe that the City of Los Angeles is actively involved in credit card fraud and that would have to be the case required for them to think MY Google Wallet was compromised.  And, that is what Google Wallet wants me to believe happened.  If  it was a simple matter of errant data, certainly my Wallet Card had no thing to do with that, and why was it cancelled again?

Second, I do not want a card in my purse that can be cancelled at their whim without the ability to reactivate it at their will.   My wallet is not safe unless they have the ability to do that with my consent and agreement.  What if I was in an emergency situation and had no access to receive another card?  Why do I need a Google Wallet card again?  To have a false sense of security?  No thank you.

So, if this doesn't get resolved in this round, I fear I will have to call Strike 3.  Strike 3 is the waste of energy and resources that replacing a card that doesn't need replacing and the mindlessness that it represents.  Those are not people competent enough to handle my money.  I will go back off grid and "Waiting on the World to change" because Google Wallet isn't a currency-less an answer to the banks.  I've exchanged too many emails for their customer service representatives to still be repeating the same thing to me over and over and over again and not doing what I requested:  close the account and return the money to where it came from, I'm done with Google Wallet and their bankster games.

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Fwd: [7-1091000006052] Your Google Support inquiry

The struggle is real.
Occupy Wall Street has it right.
The Banksters are working all sides against one another to make sure they are protected.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: elaine x <businessvoodoo@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [7-1091000006052] Your Google Support inquiry
To: chargeback-disputes@google.com


I honestly cannot believe I am getting THIS email after my initial request and redflag of this item on my credit card statement.  I have questions about nearly everything Google Wallet has done with my account and my money from the very beginning.  Does any of this really makes sense to anyone, and if so, PLEASE explain it to me like I am five years old.  This is what has transpired.

I saw a $3.00 entry on my mobile app that posted from "The City of Los Angeles" on a day I was in Palm Springs.  I sent a flag requesting clarification if it was a late posting of a prior charge or if it was made on that actual day that it appeared, as I was NOT in Los Angeles on THAT day.  

I used my card normally for many days after I raised the issue.

I get an automated answer about the "investigation" being resolved in my favor, and the cancellation of my allegedly compromised card.

Specifically, to being again, I would specifically like the following clarification:  What was the charge?  Why was it determined in my favor.  The City of Los Angeles i hardly a big player in credit card fraud, and if it was a duplicative charge and not just a LATE POSTING OF A CHARGE (which is what I suspected it was in my initial inquiries), WHY WOULD my wallet card need to be cancelled.  AND, if it was a delayed posting, why didn't my Google Wallet Team inform me of that simple clarification?

Right now, I have to wonder if Google Wallet hasn't perpetrated credit card fraud on the City of Los Angeles now because I raised an issue on a charge and the posting date.  Seriously. 

This is just wrong on customer service on so many levels, please honor my request to cancel my account altogether and return the funds in them to those who sent them.  Thank you.

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:32 PM, <chargeback-disputes@google.com> wrote:
Amount: $3.00
Account number ending in: 4159

Thank you for your response. Your dispute case 7-1091000006052 has been handled by a single representative.

Apologies if any prior action was unclear or if the cancellation of your card was inconvenient.

If the transaction is not one that you made, it means that your card information has been compromised (or as you refer to it, breached). We accepted your claim and credited your account for the erroneous charge. In accordance with all reports of unauthorized activity, the card number is canceled to protect you from any further erroneous charges. The alternative would be to leave a card number active where you may continue to receive unrecognized charges. Your card number was canceled to prevent this from occurring. 

Please specify which step you have a question about. 

If you have changed your mind and recognize the transaction and believe that the charge is yours, let us know. We can reverse the previous credited amount. We do not have means for requesting other records to verify your location on the date in question. Our apologies for this limitation. However, we accept your claim that you did not make the charge on that date. This is why you were credited. 

You can order a new card at any time by logging into your account at wallet.google.com.

The Google Wallet Team

On 03/05/15 13:02:15 businessvoodoo@gmail.com wrote:

Hi, Goggle Wallet Team,

Please do not use my name, especially my first one informally, if you do not bother to use your's at all.  Unless I tell you otherwise, you should most properly address me formally.  Thank you.  We generally call that common courtesy.

Thank you for repeating what your other "teammates" have told me four or maybe five times before you.  I have reviewed my statements.

Please IMMEDIATELY re-review my original complaint and please advise me again what happened with that charge.  I suspect it was a latent charge from a visit I had to Los Angeles in January.  

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.  It would be nice to know who is responding and only deal with one person from this point on so that I do not get the same story five more times without someone actually thinking deeply and researching this matter.

Thank you, I look forward to yet another response. 

Elaine Clermont

cc:  into the blogosphere because this is getting ridiculous.

Still, the card was not compromised, there was no evidence of that.  There may have been a breach, if so, it is with the City of Los Angeles,  and THAT makes no sense that the City would do that.

Dear Elaine,


Amount: $3.00

Account number ending in: 4159

Thank you for your response.

In your reply on 2/13/15, you stated the following:

 I just know, that if it was on that transaction date it is not my charge because i did not park in Los Angeles that day because i was at home in Coachella Valley.  Thank you for looking into it.

If the transaction is not one that you made, it means that your card information has been compromised. In accordance with all reports of unauthorized activity, the card number is canceled to protect you from any further fraudulent charges.

If you currently recognize the transaction and believe that the charge is yours, let us know. We can reverse the previous credited amount. 

Please note that the card number cannot be reactivated. You can order a new card at any time by logging into your account at wallet.google.com.

The Google Wallet Team

On 02/23/15 06:44:40 businessvoodoo@gmail.com wrote:

This created a huge issue.  Please will someone please read and solve the issue Google Wallet created with how this was handled.  Thank you.

On Feb 19, 2015 4:06 PM, <chargeback-disputes@google.com> wrote:

Dear Elaine,


Amount: $3.00

Account number ending in: 4159

We have concluded our investigation regarding the disputed transaction. It has been resolved in your favor, therefore a credit has been issued to your account. As such, your case is considered resolved and closed.

In accordance with your report of unauthorized activity, we have canceled your compromised card number at this time.


The Google Wallet Team

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Re: [3-9836000006131] Your Google Support inquiry

Hi ?? wow, you know what, I really don't even want to know anymore.

I just responded in a similar thread.  I have reviewed my statements.  PLEASE re-review my original inquiry and let me know if this was not just a latent charging from an earlier trip to Los Angeles, rather than a fraudulent posting to my account by the City of Los Angeles.  None of this makes sense.  Please have one person follow-up instead of needing to hear the same thing from different people thinking that is solving the problem.

This was not done for my protection, get that clear.  There was no fraud, most likely.  Looking at my statements, this was just a simple mistake by someone somewhere that should have never ever affected me the way it did.  Please restore access to the card in my wallet so that my security and trust that my wallet in Google's is secure from incompetence and lack of common sense and courtesy.  The Google Wallet card should because it can be reinstated, otherwise, please cancel my account and return the funds to where they came from.  Thank you.

Elaine Clermont

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 3:38 AM, Google Support Team <wallet-support@google.com> wrote:


Hi, Elaine.

Thanks for your response!

Please understand that we are taking these actions in order to protect your account. Moreover, we are not saying that your account has been compromised. It is only because of a dispute your filed with us that our Disputes department need to have your Wallet card cancelled. You can now order a new Wallet card by logging into your account online.

Lastly, your account is fully active and shouldn't have any issues making any transaction with it.

If you have any more questions, please reply to this email. I'm happy to help!


The Google Wallet Team


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Need assistance now? We're available by phone 24/7.

Google Wallet Learn More | FAQs | Help Center | Contact Us Privacy Policy | How to recognize suspicious emails
© Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043, USA
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peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'

Fwd: [7-1091000006052] Your Google Support inquiry

So, #GoogleWallet cancelled my card be cause I quested a $3.00
charge by the City of Los Angeles for a parking meter on the day
I was in the desert.  I am pretty sure that it is more likely than not,
such was a latent charge rather than a fraudulent charge by the
City of Los Angeles.

The inconvenience of cancelling my card, it was a red-zone one for
a single mom, clutch part funds and orthodontist fees, and my wallet
with all my money, 'cancelled', for my security.

Let's see what happens next, I've received the same response like
6 times now, Google Wallet no longer even cares to sign their responses
with anyone's name.

#GoogleWallet #fail
Posting 2 internet now.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <chargeback-disputes@google.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: [7-1091000006052] Your Google Support inquiry
To: elaine x <businessvoodoo@gmail.com>

Dear Elaine,


Amount: $3.00

Account number ending in: 4159

Thank you for your response.

In your reply on 2/13/15, you stated the following:

 I just know, that if it was on that transaction date it is not my charge because i did not park in Los Angeles that day because i was at home in Coachella Valley.  Thank you for looking into it.

If the transaction is not one that you made, it means that your card information has been compromised. In accordance with all reports of unauthorized activity, the card number is canceled to protect you from any further fraudulent charges.

If you currently recognize the transaction and believe that the charge is yours, let us know. We can reverse the previous credited amount. 

Please note that the card number cannot be reactivated. You can order a new card at any time by logging into your account at wallet.google.com.

The Google Wallet Team

On 02/23/15 06:44:40 businessvoodoo@gmail.com wrote:

This created a huge issue.  Please will someone please read and solve the issue Google Wallet created with how this was handled.  Thank you.

On Feb 19, 2015 4:06 PM, <chargeback-disputes@google.com> wrote:

Dear Elaine,


Amount: $3.00

Account number ending in: 4159

We have concluded our investigation regarding the disputed transaction. It has been resolved in your favor, therefore a credit has been issued to your account. As such, your case is considered resolved and closed.

In accordance with your report of unauthorized activity, we have canceled your compromised card number at this time.


The Google Wallet Team

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'