So, this is how banksters work.
The customer is NOT right. Do not ever think that. That is NEVER true -- ever.
In truth, a customer may always BE right, because they can choose to NOT DO BUSINESS WITH BANKSTERS! which is what I did. not do business with banks. for years now. Google Wallet was supposed to be different, it isn't. Although, I honestly don't think that its a "Google" problem per se, its likely more Bankcorp, Google's partner's policies that are at odds with the product Google touts. Yet problems arise when you don't pick good partners. Unfortunately, for Google, that where the fail likely is, yet, to be honest, it doesn't matter, because if the product isn't what i thought it was supposed to be, its not a product I bother using anymore -- banks.
Mostly, I'm told in about seven different ways what I am saying makes no sense to not just do things their way, and that makes no sense because they simply do not pay attention to the details. That is what it seems like anyway, if its something different, please someone explain it to me like I'm in 3rd grade.
Following after this blog is a series of email dialogues I'm having with "My" "Google Wallet Team."
So far, "My" "Google Wallet Team" has done the following:
1. Allowed Carl's Jr. to empty my wallet through duplicative charges that zeroed out my account. I think it took them a week to fix all that as they couldn't figure out why it happened, couldn't return the amount of extra money Carl took because ??? they never really answered that question, and eventually, I just counted the whole thing as Strike One and went back to the playing the game, and trusted that however they finally fixed it, everyone was all good.
2. Lost my wallet. I guess that's the best analogy that I can think of. My Google Wallet, despite being in my purse, was cancelled because I questioned something on my app that came through that didn't make sense to me. So, I asked them for clarification, and they lost my wallet. Oh, sure, they know where it is, yet I can only get it back if I ask for a new one. And, this is where we are. Strike Two.
3. Won't give me back my old wallet. The absolute waste of time, energy and resources over this $3.00 (!!!) charge is too much for a reasonable mind to handle.
Google Wallet wants me to request a new wallet because they cancelled my wallet. I have two problems with their solution with respect to MY MONEY and how they are proposing to handle the problem.
First, I think that my Google Wallet Team may have perpetrated fraud to the City of Los Angeles because I flagged a charge, even though I initially stated that I felt it may just be a delayed posting of a past charge, I still do not have a clear answer from them on the issue. Yet, I honestly do not believe that the City of Los Angeles is actively involved in credit card fraud and that would have to be the case required for them to think MY Google Wallet was compromised. And, that is what Google Wallet wants me to believe happened. If it was a simple matter of errant data, certainly my Wallet Card had no thing to do with that, and why was it cancelled again?
Second, I do not want a card in my purse that can be cancelled at their whim without the ability to reactivate it at their will. My wallet is not safe unless they have the ability to do that with my consent and agreement. What if I was in an emergency situation and had no access to receive another card? Why do I need a Google Wallet card again? To have a false sense of security? No thank you.
So, if this doesn't get resolved in this round, I fear I will have to call Strike 3.
Strike 3 is the waste of energy and resources that replacing a card that doesn't need replacing and the mindlessness that it represents. Those are not people competent enough to handle my money. I will go back off grid and "Waiting on the World to change" because Google Wallet isn't a currency-less an answer to the banks. I've exchanged too many emails for their customer service representatives to still be repeating the same thing to me over and over and over again and not doing what I requested: close the account and return the money to where it came from, I'm done with Google Wallet and their bankster games.
Labels: banksters, corporate US, credit card games, currency markets, easy explanations, elaine clermont, freedom, google wallet, KISS, Like a 3rd Grader, occupy, ows